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My Vision

I am honored and humbled by this mission of bringing the lost art of bread preparation into modern society. Bread can bring health and satisfaction, nutrients and comfort, not the opposite. Last year I started to educate people in my classes about the health benefits of cultured foods, and bread in particular. I realized people in the U.S. were very hungry for this knowledge. Even those who have never baked bread before are eager to learn how to bake healthy bread. With my method it becomes possible, as it is easy and gives lots of space for your own creativity.

I hope this will go nationwide, and more and more people will learn how to culture grains and make healthy bread at home. This is so exciting!


I encourage you to come to my three hour class. It could make a profound difference for your health and the health of your loved ones. But if you are unable to come to one of my classes, I wrote an eBook "How To Make Cultured Or Sourdough Bread The Easy Way: A Revolution In Preparing Traditional Bread For Home Bakers" which you can purchase on this website in the Order eBook section. This is a manual on cultured bread

and an awesome addition to my class, as I include information from the class plus many more recipes with detailed instructions and full-color pictures.  

I encourage you to learn and be proactive with your health. We live in the age when lots of good foods have been corrupted, therefore we have to learn how to make it ourselves.


Olena (Leanna)

Crusty Sourdough Bread made with my easy no fail method







Lori Rufi, Farmington

Having attended Leanna’s cultured bread class, I can promise you that you will leave her class with far more than delicious and healthy bread recipes.  Born and raised in Ukraine, Leanna shares her  wisdom and wealth of knowledge on the health benefits of fermented foods. She takes time to explain why fermentation is such an important aspect in the Ukrainian culture and why it is so important to nourish your family with raw, whole, unprocessed foods for optimal health. Leanna shares how easy it is to make cultured breads and pizza dough, and she gives you an opportunity to taste her delicious bread samples during her class.  I highly recommend her class.  It is an excellent investment and a decision you will be grateful you made.

Rev. Dr. Rachel Wetzsteon, Lakeville, MN

Since attending Leanna's cultured bread class, I have been making our own organic bread. My husband and I have loved having our own homemade bread to enjoy! Leanna's class was so informative and I was grateful to hear her teaching about the health benefits of wheat. I was also happy to learn Leanna's methods, because the bread has been so easy to make as well as being very delicious! Leanna is a fabulous teacher and baker.

Angela Meredith, Cokato

My husband and I attended an event a few years ago in and that's where I met Leanna. She was there as a vendor, selling her homemade bread. We bought a loaf to bring home but realized when the evening was done, there was no bread to bring home - we had eaten the entire loaf during the presentations that evening!!

I made my own homemade bread at the time, but I knew it wasn't healthy for us. Even though it tasted good, I always felt a little guilty eating it and couldn't enjoy it as much because I knew it wasn't doing my body any favors. I started trying different rye and flat breads recipes for healthier options but there was nothing that could replace a piece of good 'ole soft, chewy white bread.

I mentioned to Leanna a few times over the following years that she should teach a class so I could learn how to make her amazing bread. Thankfully, in the spring of 2016 she agreed to do so! I was SO eager to learn along with a group of more women! I soaked in every word of the class and couldn't get to the store quick enough after to get the supplies I needed to start making my own!

This has been the exclusive bread in our home since then! My husband and I both make it, it's very simple! One of my brothers tasted it one time at our house and liked it so much he came back to learn how to make it himself! I get compliments constantly from everyone that tries it! I encourage everyone to attend Leanna's class and learn how you can make delicious bread that's healthy for you at the same time!


Leanna's class was full of information. I thoroughly enjoyed it! The bread is delicious and nutritious!

I am so thankful for Leanna's cultured bread! Not only do I get to impress people with my totally amazing homemade crusty bread, but I am feeding them something healthy as well! My husband and I have been gluten free for almost five years and have so missed this kind of bread! When I make a loaf, I can't stop eating it! I slather it with butter and eat to my heart's content! I love how you can add anything to the dough to please just about anyone! My friends and family cannot wait to learn how to make this bread too! Finally, I am grateful for the information Leanna provides during her presentation. I never knew that the rest of the world doesn't suffer from food allergies like we Americans do. It is kind of sad, but now we have a way to provide healthy bread for our families too! Thank you so much, Leanna!

Monica Hartman, Mayer
Danielle 'Scherping' Russell, St. Paul

I had never baked breads before learning Leanna’s fermentation method, as it seemed too complex. Her style is so simple, delicious and highly nutritious! These techniques allow me to create beneficial healing foods that I'm now able to share with near and dear friends. Who doesn’t love feeling good through their taste buds!

Sheri Poggi, Minneapolis
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